
There are many options for accommodations in the Boston area. For your convenience, we are providing an organized list of hotels and hostels at various price ranges, distance from the venue, and comfort.

We strongly recommend booking your accommodations as early as possible.

Hotels in the city tend to be expensive and fill up quickly nearing September, but get cheaper farther from downtown. Short-term rentals such as Airbnb, Homeaway, and TripAdvisor Vacation Rentals may be an attractive alternative, especially for small groups.

The linked images below provide an overview of expected travel times from around the Boston area to the venue. They approximate a trip on public transit at rush hour, though in some cases taxis or rideshare services can expand the range slightly.


30 minutes transit distance from the conference venue
30 minutes transit distance from the conference venue
45 minutes transit distance from the conference venue
45 minutes transit distance from the conference venue
60 minutes transit distance from the conference venue
60 minutes transit distance from the conference venue