- Minimizing Wiggles in Storyline Visualizations
Theresa Fröschl and Martin Nöllenburg
- Graph Drawing for Formalized Diagrammatic Proofs in Geometry
Nathaniel Miller
- Drawing Graphs on Few Circles and Few Spheres
Myroslav Kryven, Alexander Ravsky, and Alexander Wolff
- Counterexample to the Variant of the Hanani–Tutte Theorem on the Genus-4 Surface
Radoslav Fulek and Jan Kynčl
- A Geometric Heuristic for Rectilinear Crossing Minimization
Marcel Radermacher, Klara Reichard, Ignaz Rutter, and Dorothea Wagner
- A Note on Plus-Contacts, Rectangular Duals, and Box-Orthogonal Drawings
Therese Biedl and Debajyoti Mondal
- Grid obstacle representation of graphs
Arijit Bishnu, Arijit Ghosh, Rogers Mathew, Gopinath Mishra, and Subhabrata Paul
- Summarizing and Visualizing Graph Ensembles with Rank Statistics and Boxplots
Mukund Raj, Ian Ruginski, Robert M. Kirby, and Ross T. Whitaker
- Planar k-NodeTrix Graphs – A New Family of Beyond Planar Graphs
Emilio Di Giacomo, Giuseppe Liotta, Maurizio Patrignani, and Alessandra Tappini
- Towards Characterizing Strict Outerconfluent Graphs
Fabian Klute and Martin Nöllenburg
- Flattening Polygonal Linkages via Uniform Angular Motion
Hugo A. Akitaya, Matthew D. Jones, Gregory A. Sandoval, Diane L. Souvaine, David Stalfa, and Csaba D. Tóth
- Optimal Compaction of Orthogonal Grid Drawings for Graphs of Arbitrary Vertex Degrees
Eduardo Santiago Ramos and Adriano Chaves Lisboa
- BCSA: BC Tree-based Sampling and Visualization of Big Graphs
Seok-Hee Hong, Quan Nguyen, Amyra Meidiana, and Jiaxi Li
- Low Ply Drawings of Trees of Bounded Degree
Michael T. Goodrich and Timothy Johnson
- Which graph layout gives a good shape for large graphs?
Quan Nguyen, Peter Eades, and Seok-Hee Hong
- MetagenomeScope
Marcus Fedarko, Jay Ghurye, Todd Treangen, and Mihai Pop